Monday, June 13, 2011

NRHH: Has anyone ever felt uncomfortable or be like "Im the only (apply your race) in the room" in a most all?

mostly race of people in the room, or even stare or glare at you as
being the only ____ class? When I say this, I mean " Being the only
black person in a all white people class, being the only white boy in
an all black class (especially if we're talking the different more
hood types lol j/k), etc?

BQ: Do you socialize, getting along fine or do most of students
seperate from you?
Asian, black, polka dot, whatever. I was just saying those all white
and black people in the room just as examples in case someone didn't
understand. It includes if you're in a mostly all Asian,Mexican,
Latino, etc type of classes.

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