Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I am looking for a movie? It's an older movie.?

I am looking for a movie from maybe the 80's or early 90's. I don't
remember much. I remember that that there was a guy and a girl and for
some reason only she could see him. He was always hanging around her
and her house. There was even a part when the guy for some reason is
taking a shower in her bathroom he comes out with a brown towel around
him the girl and guy start play around. The girl's mom hears her and
goes in to her room and the guy is gone and the girl is on the bed
holding the brown towel. Another part I remember is the girl takes off
on a horse she ends up falling off the horse and hitting her head. She
awakes in the hospital where she meets the guy she has been seeing. He
has been in a coma. Does anyone remember the name of the movie or
actors from the movie?

Not Drop Dead Fred.

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