Monday, August 15, 2011

Billy Crystal 'Itchy' to Host Oscars Again

Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty ImagesBilly Crystal at the 2011 Oscars Eight times as Oscar host apparently isn't enough for Billy Crystal. The actor said at event over the weekend that he's ready to return as the show's emcee for a ninth time. In fact, his appearance at this year's ceremony -- during which he appeared as a presenter honoring Bob Hope -- was what sparked his interest in returning as host. STORY: 10 Easy Tips to Remaking the Academy "I came out last year as a surprise.It was a last-minute decision," Crystal said at a 20th anniversary screening of City Slickers in Santa Monica in response to a fan question. "Theyhad called and said would you do this thing and honor Bob Hope and that was a kind of cool thing to do.Isaid OK.I did it, and people wanted to see me, they stood up, andI couldn't talk for about a minute. And, um, I got a little itchy. So we'll see what happens. I can't promise anything." In fact, Crystal's eight times as emcee are second only to Hope's 18. But the work required takes a toll on Crystal, who last hosted in 2004. He said every time he hosts, it requires a four- or five-month commitment. STORY: Critics Boo Oprah's Honorary Oscar "It got to be too much after a while and the sameness in my life," Crystal said, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. "That's whyI pulled back. And then when I thoughtI might want to do it again, they were on to other people. It's always fun. It's really hard, but maybe one or two more times? I don't know. They know where I am." It's not the first time in recent months Crystal has expressed an interest. In March, he told the Associated Press that it "might be fun" to host again. Even if this year's Oscar producers Brett Ratner and Don Mischer don't come calling, Crystal is keeping plenty busy. Among the projects he's working on is the Monsters Inc. prequel, Monsters University. He also is hoping to turn his Tony-winning one-many play 700 Sundays into a movie. STORY: Brett Ratner's Oscar Telecast: 10 Best Twitter Reactions The Oscars air live Feb. 26 on ABC from Hollywood & Highland's Kodak Theatre. RELATED: Plot of 'Monsters Inc.' Prequel Revealed VIDEO: Billy Crystal, Helen Mirren Spoof 'When Harry Met Sally' Billy Crystal Academy Awards Awards

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